A dystopian, poetry, and fantasy author

No More NaNoWriMo

Sep 08, 2024 by Samantha Nicklaus
I love National Novel Writing Month. Writing this absolutely breaks my heart. I have supported NaNoWriMo since 2011, participating in 17 NaNoWriMo runs (including Camp NaNoWriMo events that are run over the summer). I have fundraised for NaNoWriMo, I have gotten others to participate, and every year I schedule my life around November so that I can participate. Which is why it is so, so heart breaking to see them support the use of AI.


Don't get me wrong, I understand the argument for AI in certain aspects. While I whole heartly disagree, I can understand that editors are expensive and cover art is hard to make. My first covers as an Indie author were not great. My published works were edited by friends or in exchange for critics on others work. I did the best I could, but I completely understand the allure of AI in those circumstances. As I have experienced it, generally the author world also understand these points, but the majority of us are still condemning the use of AI. Not because its "cheating" or the easy way out. Because you are taking the humanity out of art.

I don't want to argue the general use of AI--I will always be against AI in any artistic capacity. What genuinely and truly breaks my heart is National Novel Writing Months support of AI. Now, they have altered their initial post to say that they do not support nor condemn the use of AI. That is not good enough for me.

The point of National Novel Writing Month is to write 50,000 words in 30 days. It's a challenge. That's the entire point of it.

There have been years I've "won" NaNoWriMo and years that I've "lost". There are years I gave up half way through and there were years I wrote well over 50K. The point of the challenge is to take 30 days to prioritize your art and your writing. A love of writing has always been at the center of this challenge. If I can use an AI generator to write 50K words in seconds, what is the challenge?

"Why would I read something you couldn't be bothered to write?" -- Twitter, source unverified

I'm upset, as many other authors are, by this stance in general. What is more upsetting is to see the excuse of disabled authors to justify their support of AI. I understand that all disabilities are different, but as a disabled author, I cannot imagine the audacity it takes to imply that I both need AI to write and that I would agree with this Pro-AI stance.

We have so many tools nowadays that are not AI to support authors. We have voice to text for those who struggle with typing. We have spell-check and editors for learning disabilles. We have laptops for those that struggle sitting at desks. We have this, that, and the other. Are there disabled authors who still struggle? Of course. Does that mean they need/want/should use AI to write a story for them? Absolutely not.

All of this to say, I will not be supporting National Novel Writing Month this year nor in the future. I cannot reconcile my love of this art form with the use of AI. While NaNoWriMo has had other issues, other scandals, and as an organization was nowhere near perfect-- I genuinely believed they were trying. Trying to be better, trying to support artists, trying to make a difference. I can no longer say that.

As of this posting, I have deleted my account on their website. I will be writing 50K words during November, but I will not use their website, their hashtags, or give them any acknowledgement past this post. It deeply saddens me, but I cannot support AI generated art in any form. I hope others will also take a stand against AI and those who support it in an artistic capacity.