Samantha Nicklaus

Hi friend! I'm Samantha Nicklaus, author and CEO of Purple Sun Media. You may have found me on me on Twitter or Instagram, or perhaps even purchased one of my books. Either way, I'm happy you're here!
I have been a writer since I can remember--its actually hard to remember a time I wasn't writing down stories. I had my first poem published in an anthology in the 4th grade, which is when I developed my real thirst for publication. I always knew I wanted to be an author, with a particularly fun goal of writing a "Banned Book" at some point in my life!
My first book, Prison 917 was published in August of 2017, and the rest is history! The Prisons series, made up of Prison 917, Prison 456, and Prison 268, is one of my favorite creations.
After my first dystopian series, I moved on to poetry with my first poetry book, Three by Three being published in October of 2020. Three by Three was a pleasure project to keep me busy during the Covid-19 lockdown, but it is something I am incredibly proud of. It's the book that got me my first "orange banner" on Amazon-- #1 in New Releases for Gay and Lesbian Poetry!
My favorite part of being an author is bonding with other authors and readers alike in our love of literature. Whether you just stumbled upon me or are a long-time fan, thank you!